Thursday, April 22, 2010

Grandma Visits Williamsburg

Eloise had so much fun while grandma was visiting. Grandma brought her some books and a beanie buddy dog. Now she always has to sleep with her "doggy."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ben and Jerry's

Eloise's first time eating Ben and Jerry's. She loved it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Boppy, Bubby, Baby

Eloise is now 15 months old and she has so much energy; she is very busy all day long and always wants to go outside. She will stand at the gate at the top of the stairs and say "outsigh." She loves to stomp around (marching in place), turn around and around in a circles, and when she dances she bends her legs and bounces her little bum up and down.

She loves to hide behind the glider that is in her room. She will all of the sudden disappear and when I walk in her room I will see her little head peak around the chair and she will start to giggle and hide herself again. Sometimes if I don't notice she is hiding behind the chair she will peak around and say, "Elowee" (which is how she says her name) because she wants me to say "Where's Eloise?" so she can hide and play her game.

Three of her favorite words are boppy, bubby, and baby, which sound very similar, but have very different meanings. Bobby is what she calls her blanky, bubby is what she calls a bunny, and every time she sees a baby or a picture of a baby she gets very excited and yells "baby, baby!"

Her vocabulary continues to expand. She even tries to repeat difficult words, for example, "exercise" and it sounds pretty close to the actual word when she says it. Last week there was a thunder storm. She said,"dat," wondering what the noise was. I said, "thunder" and she repeated "tunder." When she wants something she doesn't know the name of, she reaches for it and says "dis, dis, dis," meaning "this, this, this."
She also says, "down" all the time, which also means up. She says down when she wants me to put her down and down when she want me to pick her up.

She still absolutely loves books and right now her favorite book is The Wheels on the Bus. Every time she wants the book read to her she will sing "bus, bus, bus" in the Wheels on the Bus tune. One of the things I cherish is when she grabs a book and plops down in my lap for me to read it to her.

She now blows kisses, which is the cutest thing ever.

Every time I go grocery shopping or anywhere, she says "hi" to everyone we pass with a big smile on her face.

She is really into shoes and constantly pulls shoes out of our closet for us to put on. She brings them to us and says, "ahn, ahn" (elongating the ah sound of on).

Whenever Nick and I are brushing our teeth she wants her toothbrush as well. She reaches for it and says, "teeth, teeth." Then she follows Nick and I around while we brush our teeth.
She had her first (and of course, I hope only) laceration repair yesterday. She fell and hit the back of her head on a door hinge. It took one staple to close it up and she handled it like a champ. She wasn't really bothered by a staple being placed in her scalp, but instead was bothered by me holding her down so she couldn't move.

And of course, she still loves sticks and rocks.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Etherington's Visit

It was so enjoyable to have Craig, Diane, and Jane visit us for a few days. Eloise was delighted to have pure entertainment the whole time they were here. Every morning she followed Jane around like a little puppy dog.
She loved digging in the rocks and dirt with grandpa.

Mimi and grandpa brought Eloise all sorts of gifts. I was especially excited about the dresses and shoes and Eloise was especially excited about the books. She would choose a book and go back and forth from mimi to grandpa so each of them could read to her.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Eloise had fun with the Easter egg hunt. You may notice that she not only collected the eggs, but she also picked up some rocks on the way. She loves sticks and rocks.

She had a hard time deciding if she wanted to put the eggs in the basket. She really didn't want to let go of them.